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Letters from Beyond

-Ancestral messages straight to your mailbox


What wisdom wants to come through from your ancestors, that is exactly what you need to hear in the moment?


In these remote sessions, I work directly with the ancestor (or ancestors) that choose to come through for your greatest and highest good. I will write out a beautiful note card with their message and send it to your home in the mail (I can also email if you prefer.)


This is a great option if you prefer a direct message instead of a transfer of an energetic one. 

$45 snail mail message - US residents only

Ancestral Energy Sessions


-Intuitive energy session


-Address the energetic debris from your ancestral line, which may be affecting current relationships/situations in your life.


-Access ancestral wisdom through an energetic download, bypassing the logical mind that tries to "figure it out" in words.


-Create a different legacy for future generations, based on ancestral wisdom and love instead of inherited limitation.


$130 first session, 1hr

$45 for followup sessions, 15-20 minutes

Land Clearing


Just as water holds memory, so does the land. When a traumatic event occurs, such as a war or displacement, the energetic imprint of the event can be trapped in the land, as well as passed down energetically through the generations. For example, a Civil War Battlefield not only holds the energy of the battle itself, but also the energetic imprint of all participants. Some souls never leave the battlefield, which obviously affects future generations. Those that did return home often carried a great emotional burden, which also affected future generations. These energetic imprints can pass through the lineage of both ancestral lines, until someone is ready to release them.


When the spirits involved in an event are ready to release the trauma, the land can be cleared. This clearing has the possibility to mend the rift in ancestral energy, addressing the generational impact of the event. Through divinely guided wisdom from the quantum field, ancestors, spirit (in whatever form that is for you), and the land itself, the process of transmuting pain to peace can begin.

Contact for information and to discuss your specific circumstances.

Coming Soon...

Ancient Wisdom and Channeled Messages
"Spiritual Tupperware Party"
Invite friends to your home for a unique energy experience

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